Saturday, June 18, 2011

Essay on Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx

Confucius, a Chinese sapiential philosopher, commented that "winning is not a matter of one person." In one hand, if there is winner, there might be a loser: however, on the other hand, people - coworkers or cooperators - can all win. Unlike war, one side wins because the other side loses; in this era of various relation, sometimes people involved in a process all win.

Throughout history, this statement can be proved to be true. Maybe every Chinese is familiar with The Communist Manifesto, one of the world's most influential political manuscripts written by the German Marxist political theorists Karl Marx and his friend Friedrich Engels, but what we don’t know is that without each of them, this great political pamphlet would not come out. 

Engels, who was growing a steadily increasing income from the family business in Manchester, supported life of Marx, four of whose children died of starvation due to poverty, because their same ideas about politics. Had Engels never met Marx, Marx would died of starvation like his children, their advanced theory would never have been known, thus Russia would never have culminated and Chinese would never have been liberated. 

Moreover, as the most important and dedicated facilitator and diffuser of Marx’s writings, Engels attempted to fill gaps in Marx’s system and to extend to other fields, particular Historical Materialism. Thanks to their cooperation, the work of Marx and Engels covers a wide range of topics and presents a complex analysis in terms of class relation. Undoubtedly, their work inspires millions of people and both Marx and Engels achieved their goals. Undeniably, they were both winners, for they played irreplaceable roles in the development of modern social science.

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