Thursday, September 1, 2011

Unhealthy Food in Schools Free Essay

So, what do you order - a pizza, a burger, a sandwich? Does your head turn towards the hot chips or the salads? Fact is, most students choose unhealthy foods for their school lunch. This is why our schools should not serve unhealthy food. Schools should ban unhealthy foods because it goes against what they are telling kids to do, increasing obesity in the country. Here's the facts.

Obesity is a growing problem in this country. It's already affected over twenty percent of the population. That is double the amount from 1980, and tripled for teens. It's causing more and more medical problems. Obesity causes diabetes, cancers, strokes, and many other health problems. An easy and great way to start changing this is by starting in school. Schools can help this issue easily by replacing foods that are high in fat and sugar with healthier options. Schools won't be losing out on it either, because studies show schools can offer healthier options in vending machines without "losing revenue". 

Schools serving unhealthy foods are going against what they are saying themselves. Kids go to health class and learn about what foods are unhealthy and how to make better choices. But, the school doesn't support much of what they are teaching. U.S. schools should be offering more healthier foods and cutting down on the variety of unhealthy food. If schools did not mainly offer unhealthy choices, kids would be taking the healthier choices. 

Standing in the lunchline, you can see your options. Most of the time, there is pizza, burgers, hot dogs, canned fruit, chips, and a few others. There are also salads, apple sauce or green beans, but kids usually don't take any of those. Also, kids who bring their own lunches usually have a sandwich, a drink, and lots of processed snacks. Most of the time, kids only eat half their sandwich and go straight for the snacks. Many American schools should enforce and persuade kids to make healthier choices.

In conclusion, schools in the U.S. should start to serve healthier food options. It would help kids by reducing chance of health problems, enforcing their own rules, and knowing what kids are eating. Healthy food makes for healthy students!

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