Thursday, September 1, 2011

Immigrants to the US Free Essay

In today’s society, struggles are bound to happen especially for immigrants migrating to the United States. However, some immigrants do not undergo as much trouble than the immigrants of our ancestors. Today, the United States offers many programs such as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and Welfare Assistance. This does not compare to the sufferings our ancestors had to tolerate. Our Immigrant ancestors had to endure many struggles and hardships just to make ends meet. 

According to the article, “New Citizens, New Rights” by William V. Flores, he asserts that citizenship is not the act of birth but must be fought for and achieve. In other words, having rights such as casting votes during the election, and staying in another country for more than a year are benefits that can be achieved. However, that was not the case. Obtaining a citizenship according to Flores, must be fought for. 

Discrimination was highly common in the 1950’s especially in the south. Most people know that the south has a bad reputation and a long history of racism. Many African Americans and minorities were treated with little to no respect and were often harassed because of their skin color. 

According to the article, “Story of black struggle resonates with immigrants” from USA Today, reports that discrimination existed for immigrants. This is true.  It is hard being disrespected because of your skin color and having an accent and refusing to turn the other cheek. If a young adult from modern society were faced with the same situation, fists and blows would be thrown and arrest would definitely be made. This method would not be the right way to handle the situation because violence and discrimination are not the answer. But should assimilation be forced?

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