From that moment, young naïve girls probably took this ‘motto’ on as one of their ten commandments and used it to try and resist an Oreo or a pack of Haribo. According to the NICE guidelines (2004), sadly 1.6 million people in the UK are affected by an eating disorder; the most common are anorexia nervosa, bulimia and binge eating. The NHS has stated a shocking comparison, that 1 in 250 women and 1 in 2, 000 men will experience anorexia nervosa. With that, bulimia is five times more common than anorexia nervosa and 90% are women. So are the media to blame for? We need to beat this. We need to make a difference. We need to show insecure girls to accept themselves for who they are.
The media has a certain perception of what ‘beauty’ is. A massive part of this perception is the fashion industry, especially when young girls watch how the world admires and instantly labels a model as ‘beautiful’, for being less than a size 8. These young minds watch as a XXS (size 4) Victoria’s Secret model struts down the runway as everyone watches in awe at, ‘the gap between her thighs’, ‘the flat tight stomach’, ‘the protruding collarbones’ and we can’t forget ‘the structured hip bones’. We need to beat this and we need to make teenagers realise that being anorexic can lead to very serious illnesses and not to mention, death.
In 1965, Slumber Party Barbie was appallingly introduced, which came with a bathroom scale permanently set at 110 lbs. along with a book entitled ‘How to lose weight’ and the directions inside modestly stated ‘Don’t eat.’ Is this really what we want young girls learning from; to feel lonely and yearn in agony to try and fit in?
It is sad to think that girls are dying to be skinny, literally. To be at the bottom of the pit and feel like they have no one to turn to. Are the media to blame for not conveying curvy models as beautiful? Can we sit by and let all of this happen?
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