Saturday, June 18, 2011

Essay on Challenge of Authority and Roosevelt

It is not always necessary to challenge authority. People of authority often know what is best, even if the hoi polloi have not even thought of the subject. Such a case can be exemplified by President Roosevelt’s inching towards a World War. People did not want a war but he knew it would create the U.S. as a world power and lead the world towards democracy. 

Much of the public wanted to stay neutral with other countries to avoid war. However, President Roosevelt was thinking ahead of the people. He knew that if the U.S. subtly made allies, it would prepare us towards a war that would create democracy for all countries. Of course, the common people of the time did not understand Roosevelt’s reasoning towards going to war and creating democracy. Now, though, scholars know his ideas and decisions made the world into a peaceful, fair place for most people.

Roosevelt’s decision to establish this democracy also made the U.S. a world power. Despite people’s questioning, the U.S. is considered the most powerful country by many today because of Roosevelt’s ideas and decisions. It is patent that the people did not have enough information or knowledge to decide what was necessary or important for their country.

Nevertheless, people should not question the ideas and decisions of people in positions of authority. Even if it may not seem like it at the time, authority knows what is best for the future. The hoi polloi just do not have the sort of knowledge or information required to make vital decisions.

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