Feudalism and manorialism developed because of the Barbarian invasions. They were from the north and west led to travel and communication between isolated villages and towns. Most of Western Europe was reunited under Charlemagne, but his death led to loss of central authority and fragmentation of his empire. Feudalism and manorialism would characterize the European Middle Ages. Feudalism is the relationship between landlords. Manorialism is the relationship between serf and landlord. When describing one landlord, it refers to manorialism. When describing an entire society, it refers to feudalism.
The fall of Rome was characterized by invasions of the Germanic tribes. The Carolingian Empire had to deal with invasions as well. A large amount of Norsemen from the area of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark headed to south, east, and west to plunder the Germanic kingdoms. They are called the “Vikings.” Some Vikings settled down but many continued to travel the countryside of some unknown goal. Traders had to constantly fear for their lives and their cargo. Small communities settled into themselves and risked sending people outside of their area that was known “safe”. These political and economic structures developed as a response to the need for protection and self-sufficient communities during a time when trade slowed and travel was dangerous.
Feudalism is the social system that developed in Europe in the eighth century; vassals were protected by lords who had to serve in war. It’s a system that developed out of the fear. Feudalism provided a political structure between social classes and provided for an exchange of goods, and protection. The concept of feudalism is an agreement between people to provide labor, goods, money, and military service in exchange for protection and safety. Feudalism is medieval Europe political system of a set of legal and military obligations, involving around the three key concepts of lords, vassals, and fiefs. Lord is a man of high rank in a feudal society known a king or a territorial magnate. Vassal is the holder of land by feudal of homage and allegiance. Fief is a piece of land and other services to the feudal lord in return for receiving protection and safety. In each settled area one would find peasants working the fields, giving their labor in exchange for land and protection. They give this labor to the feudal lord of their region. Then, that lord received a land grant from a person of a higher social status than he is. So while he`s being a lord over the peasants, he might be a vassal of a higher lord. At some cases, higher authority was a king or even a lord of higher status. The decline of feudalism can be marked by the Crusades. After the Crusades, a demand was put on the production of goods, and also a money system was introduced. Lastly, feudalism was a relationship between different levels of leadership that developed the need for organization and protection during the Middle Ages.
Manorialism is the economic system that developed during the Middle Ages to take care needs of a large community. Manorialism is known as the Manorial System. Manor was known as a small piece of a larger land grant. Each manor was a self-sufficient community. The peasants and serfs worked the land and provided the labor for the production of all the things that are needed for a group of people to live together. The peasants usually lived in dirty houses scattered around the farms they worked. The peasants was required to work a few days a week on the lord`s land and the other days he was to work on his land to provide for his family. The peasants had to pay taxes in the form of money or goods to the lord in exchange for using the lord`s facilities. The lord provided an area where the peasant could take refuge in times of attack. The castle had thick outside walls that protected a variety of buildings inside. Everyone could go inside the castle walls for safety and protection. The walls would be emergency supplies that could be used if the castle were under attack for a long amount of time. It developed by keeping everyone fed and clothed in a self-sufficient manner. The manorial system provided stability in those ancient and dark moments where the only safe place was behind the thick walls of the castle. . The manorial system was also an important feature of the social structure of the Middle Ages. Overall, manorialism is a political, economic, and social system in medieval and early modern Europe.
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