Thursday, September 1, 2011

Genetic Engineering and Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton Free Essay

Biologists have argued that with the discovery of DNA and in examining the genetic code, they have inherited the ability so far as to be able to determine the form and function of organisms and can use this to create their own. They claim techniques and technologies are improving all the time and it is increasingly possible to insert genes at a precise place in the host. Yet they all surround a significant matter; Like in Michael Crichton's book "Jurassic Park", these practices and results disrupt the usefulness of the recipient genome with unknown side effects including 'gene silencing' both of the inserted genes and other unrelated genes. Gene splicing, a large cause in this case, involves injecting genetics into a life source, such as an embryo, which carry premeditated genes that cannot be controlled in number or if they will produce accurately.

Many biologists have argued that mankind has interfered with evolution with breeding and habitat managment for as long as they have inhabited the earth, but genetic engineering differs due to the simple fact that it crosses a "species barrier"; In other words, crosses which would have never happened in the real world. Genetic engineering is much different because scrambling genomes will lead to the total destruction of evolution. While some might contradict this predicament because of their belief in the bible, there is still an issue to be held; If God created all mankind and life on Earth, then man should be limited if not withheld from tampering with the power of an almighty God and create life, just as it is stated in the bible, "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." (Genesis 1:26) Philosophy dictates that God has put the ideas into our minds. Thus biologists believe they have a stance to argue that they are justified to use the technology of genetic engineering. However, by creating life with these modifications, no matter how insignificant they may seem, we are going against God's will, and indeed, breaking the rules of life and death.

Genetically engineered seeds are available for plantation in the agricultural industry, as well. Their purpose is to manipulate the chances of a disease to be spread or carried to other organisms from slim to none. These crops also have Bacillus thuringienis (Bt)-toxin genes on them. Helpful organisms such as ladybirds, bees, and butterflies are killed with this material.. Also if any Bt plant remains fall back to Earth, earthworms and other organisms who live in the soil are threatened. Furthermore, the build up of Bt toxin resistance threatens to stop the effectiveness of insesticides and this deprives the natural ecosystem of one of its pest controls, thus making the restoration of equilibrium difficult after the ecosystem has been disturbed by an abnormality.

Genetic engineering is now a global part of industrialization. It is also particular in the market-powered economy which sees life as a mere advantage. Corporate espionage is a form of espionage conducted for commercial purposes instead of purely national security purposes. For instance, the chief programmer of Jurassic Park's controlling software, Dennis Nedry, attempts corporate espionage for Lewis Dodgson, a geneticist and agent of InGen's infamous competitor, Biosyn. By deactivating a back door when he hacked into the system, Nedry manages to swiftly steal 15 frozen embryos from the laboratories without being detected by the security systems. If genetic engineering is to become another particular gateway to scamming and other negative financial influences, then economically, for the better of mankind, it should be disallowed. People would take the cause irresponsibly, spending money to create their very own designer babies, spending to cure every illness known, widespread crop failure, canceling out survival of the fittest and causing overpopulation, and the destruction continues, hereon.

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